Over our 40-year history we have grown from strength to strength and we’re now recognised as London’s premier restaurant kitchen house.

Not surprisingly, our workforce has increased significantly over that time, but we remain at heart a family run business, never losing sight of the passion and spirit that inspired our journey from the outset.

We are fiercely proud of our talented team which is made up of many long serving employees though, more recently, we’re delighted to have welcomed several high-profile additions.

Every member of our workforce has, in his or her own way, contributed not only to our success in the world of restaurant kitchen design, but also the success of our customers themselves.

Sales Consultants

We consider our sales team to be one of the best informed in the industry. Their depth and breadth of knowledge is quite remarkable and their diverse experience spans restaurant kitchens of every genre and every capacity. The initial narrative of your brief will enable us to make sure we match you with consultant best suited to realising your project.


Our kitchen design studio is central to everything we do and everything we stand for. Our restaurant kitchen designers are completely in tune with our inherent philosophy, always finding a way to achieve the ultimate layout, using the perfect equipment, so that your team can work comfortably and harmoniously in your new kitchen.

Specifiers & Estimators

Specifying the correct appliances and equipment for your restaurant kitchen requires an encyclopedic knowledge of products acquired through extensive research and decades of experience. There are, literally, tens of thousands of products in this vast marketplace so identifying the best equipment for your menu, your budget and the speed and volume of your service can be hugely complex but getting it absolutely right reaps incalculable rewards.


Our project managers have the technical and practical knowledge, as well as the experience, to make certain that the space that will house your new restaurant kitchen is correctly prepared and, to achieve this, they’ll work alongside your contractors, checking and advising at every stage. Their organisational and problem-solving skills will ensure a smooth and seamless installation, enabling your finished kitchen to emerge.

LEARN MORE ABOUT our project managers

Installers and Engineers

Our installers check the equipment meticulously both during and after installation.
They’ll also systematically test and commission everything to ensure it functions
perfectly and that every safety precaution is addressed.

To us, an installation is a clinically accurate and fine-tuned process that brings
absolute confidence and surety. It’s the first step towards making sure your restaurant kitchen
performs perfectly across many years of rigorous use and we’ll be there to support you
through its entire journey.

Aftersales & Maintenance

Rather than pass the responsibility of aftercare to a separate department, we believe it’s far more effective to continue our relationship with you via the staff members you worked with. Their complete familiarity with your restaurant kitchen and your way of working makes them best placed to provide the help or support you might need in the years ahead.

Ready for a chat?

You can call us at any time and
speak to us without any
obligation or commitment.